I’m with you. Not a fan.

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Love your goblin! You know, I'm kindof with you. I like Harry Potter, but my children are OBSESSED. They think it's a crime that I've only made it to book three...I may finish for their sakes or maybe not :)

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Thank you, Amy!

One of the reasons I’ve taken so long to finish the series, despite my daughters begging me, is because I’m not a very fast reader and I had so many other books I actually wanted to read!

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Aug 5Liked by Rebecca J. Gomez

Valid arguments! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Harry Potter over the years, and two of my three do, too, but we have our lively discussions on some of the themes—e.g. Kraig gets annoyed by the way Harry seems to take good tips and advice from others, but never seems to be personally innovative (The Half-Blood Prince is primary for this example).

The Literary Life Podcast just did a series on the first HP book, looking at the vast wealth of literary tropes and traditions JK Rowling pulled on for the books. It’s worth a listen!

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Honestly, I barely remember enough about the books in order to have lively discussions about them. Unless it’s specifically something I mentioned in this post. They just don’t stick with me. It wasn’t that long ago that I read book six (what’s the title again?) and I had to have one of my daughters recap it for me so I could read book seven!

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I was just having this conversation with my husband last night as our kids watched the first movie at a sleepover. I couldn't figure out why I didn't care. I have students who read the series and as soon as they finish turn around and read it again. I love Tolkien and Lewis. I love connecting the real-world and fantasy. But Harry Potter just doesn't grab me. I like it fine, but I am not compelled by it. , I like Hagrid, I like Hogwarts, etc. But I think for me, it just lacks the depth that the fantasy I like has. It doesn't mean anything for me in my world like they do. Anyway. . .interesting to come across this right after I ad that conversation.

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Phew. Sometimes I think I'm the only one!

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I might have to reread some of our favorites from this list!

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